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WEF Wants To Ban Private Vehicle Ownership

The elite eco-nuts have revealed the latest plan for us peasants – banning the ownerships of private vehicles.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has recently published a paper that states that in order to fight climate change, citizens should no longer be allowed to own a private vehicle because they are “wasteful.”

“The average car or van in England is driven just 4% of the time,” the WEF paper states. It then calls on car owners to sell their vehicle because, “Car sharing platforms such as Getaround and BlueSG have already seized that opportunity to offer vehicles where you pay per hour used.”

According to the WEF, making people more dependent on public transport and ride sharing by banning private vehicle ownership is “essential” to “fighting” climate change – they also have plans on how our homes and cities should be designed.

“A design process that focuses on fulfilling the underlying need instead of designing for product purchasing is fundamental to this transition,” the WEF wrote. “This is the mindset needed to redesign cities to reduce private vehicles and other usages.”

Across the West, “leaders” are doing everything in their power to ensure the WEF’s plans come to fruition and countries like Ireland, citizens have been informed that they will likely be packed into cities in order to fight that invisible beast – climate change.

Legislation has already been passed in several states in the United States and a number of European countries, that will ban the sale of cars powered by fossil fuels by the year 2030.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has already directed governments around the world to start cutting the supply of oil to consumers – an attempt to push citizens to sell their vehicles.

According to Breitbart, the IEA has a 10-point plan that will drive “changes in behavior of consumers” which includes car-free Sundays, working from home three days a week, more electric cars and cheaper public transportation.

The government plans to force people “out of private cars because they are the biggest offenders for emissions”

Washington, New York and California (surprise, surprise) have passed measures to ban private ownership of vehicles.

The Globalists have been chipping away at society for a few decades now, and it seems that they have moved themselves into a position where they can finally bring everyone to their knees.

The frustrating part is not that the Globalists want to ban vehicles, meat, the sun – the frustrating part is that people refuse to stand up and say, “no more.”

The WEF, and the other Globalist organizations, should have no say in how people live – anywhere. They are not elected, their opinions are not wanted, yet governments in countries all over the world bend over backwards for these people, who make up less than 1 percent of us.

These “elites” lecture everyday people about how they should reduce everything they have to pretty much nothing – while simultaneously consuming more than anyone.

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10 thoughts on “WEF Wants To Ban Private Vehicle Ownership”

  1. Dit is alleen tegen te gaan met een massale volkerenopstand,en snel ook!Maar ik zie de schapen nog niet van de bank af komen,zolang ze brood en spelen krijgen,helaas!

  2. I stand and say NO, in fact, HEJJ NO. This idiotic plan of WEF and NWO/Soros’ groups and supporters including private plane JET setters, limousine users like Kerry, Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, etc, is NOT OUR PLAN or in OUR best interests. Goal to stop sales of gas and diesel vehicles by 2030? Then we CANNOT AFFORD to have another one of them gain office in 2024 abd somehow push this through to fruition! PREVENT FRAUD in the elections!
    Many of Americans live many miles (10-20-50+ miles) from any town at all, such as farmers and ranchers who also work second and third jobs in towns, plus grain, meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables producers must haul these to towns for the first steps in processing them. Plus the gas and diesel to plant, raise, feed, haul it all. And the fuel needed to run grain elevators, dryers, bagging to get to next step after that. Also meat processing plants. All just steps along the path to consumers. Gates hates meat and is buying up hundreds of thousands acres of grazing land. So NO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, ETC, on it any more? HIS LAND. Both GATES and CHINA are buying farming/crop land and ranch/grazing land in massive amounts, and increasing. China recently had $1.9 Billion worth. This week they are up to over $6 Billion. China and Gates are paying up to 3-4 times the value/acre and in CASH. They are THAT desperate to keep buying it up, and speeding up WEEKLY. And much of the land is near military bases, missile silos. Meaningless? Surely not. Plus Gates has a lot of business connections and alliances with China.

    Driving to after school activities, family gatherings, night school, etc? Need groceries? Sorry, no vehicle available. One state has 2 wheel stand on scooters you can rent and pay a DOLLAR per MILE for use and 18 mph max speed. No place to even carry a box of cereal, a gallon if milk. 50 miles to town, 50 back = $100 for whatever a backpack can hold? And time WASTED, at 18 mph? As Kerry flies over you in his jet? Obama or Biden, Harris, Pelosi speed past you in their limos?

    Get those supporting this OUT OF OFFICE and prevent ones like them from EVER GETTING ELECTED.

    STOP THIS INSANITY, these MONSTERS who have NO PROBLEM taking away our rights, liberty, voice, transportation, homes, income/jobs, EVEN OUR CHILDREN IF THEY CAN SOMEHOW CONVINCE PEOPLE that PARENTS AREN’T the best ones to make decisions about their education, health care choices, food.
    OH WAIT, THEY’RE ALREADY IN THE PROCESS OF TAKING OVER these things re any CHILDREN THEY CAN GET THEIR GRUBBY, NASTY HANDS ON. “We’ll give free child care to your 3 and 4 and 5 yr olds! Sign here and we’ll round them up!”. “NO, parents aren’t the best ones to make decisions about what’s taught, or if your little child is gay or transgender or whatever, and NO, we won’t tell you we’re starting hormonal treatments or starting paperwork for gender changing surgeries. WE know better re what your child wants deep inside; they just don’t feel comfortable telling you!!! So you probably aren’t suitable, unlike us, to raise that child! Sign here or we could take you to Court.”

    ALL THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN HAPPENING, by increasing bits and pieces. Children even told to NOT TELL THEIR PARENTS WHAT IS HAPPENING.

    Look around. And read the bills they push, and the insidious things stuck into many of them. Free pre-school child care even? Is it, and at what TRUE COST.

    1. But you see this president is allowing big money which includes communist china to buy all our farming land by the time we manage to get these people out of office we won’t own any farming land. They also are working on raising bugs to grind up to provide protein instead of beef and chickens. read a small article where they were considering that we could eat human meat when I went back to copy it was gone

  3. Do we have to start buying and owning guns to protect ourselves from those idiots????? Maybe!

  4. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT WAIT that bunch of HEATHERNS are shakling their F I S T
    in the face of GOD and HE WILL FIGHT FOR HIS PEOPLE ALL CHRISTIANS!!!!!!!!
    WORSHIP IS THE DEVIL AND CHRIST WILL TAKE HIS PEOPLE OUT OF THIS MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD IS IN CONTROL OF ALL ALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. why do they use a picture of a mecedies ,how many people can afford them money pits , i dont see them stop flying on planes or trains or limos , so tell them go pound sand up their useless asses !dammed aoc had or has a tesla and they will kill people and the eviroment !where do the cells of those batterys go when depleated , if the get wrecked either the car burns ao leaks chemicals more polution !when those batterys burn what kind of gasses do they produce,? everytime these clown think they makethings better its worse for the inviroment !!and what do you do with all the plastics used they dont disinagrate ,and when burned they produce poisoness gasses ?

  6. Here is what the eco-nut fruit cakes should really be focused on:
    This was & is being caused by governments around the world with their climate sabotage using Chemtrails dumping tons of chemicals into the atmosphere. This is having a devastating effect on humans health & the health of the planet. The forests are sick & dying thus the huge wild fires. It is called Global Climate engineering.
    A so called classified program. Chemtrailing
    Chemtrailing is the publics term for the CLASSIFIED ONGOING artificial modification of Earths climate systems using reflective Nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds. The global controllers are utilizing every tool they have at their disposal to distract populations from the wider horizon of unfolding and accelerating global ecological collapse. The signs of environmental collapse can be difficult to distinguish from a distance, our forests are a primary example. An up close examination is essential if the truth is to be discovered. Earth’s remaining forests are dying by the day. No trees, no people, we are perilously close to both outcomes. Even at this late hour the vast majority are still completely oblivious to the tidal wave of biosphere implosion that is towering over us. What will it take to wake the sleeping masses? Ever more extreme weather and temperature fluctuations are wreaking havoc on ecosystems, livestock and human populations. The recent mass die-off of cattle in Kansas is only one example of many. Record heat, drought, wildfires, deluges, hail and flash freezes, all are inseparable from the ongoing and accelerating global climate intervention operations. In addition to it all, climate engineering atmospheric aerosol dispersions continue to contaminate every breath we take.

  7. I can find no evidence that “…Washington, New York and California (surprise, surprise) have passed measures to ban private ownership of vehicles….”. Can the author provide a link? Otherwise, this mostly accurate article has been poisoned…

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