Disney Continues To Push Gay Agenda, While The Box Office Bombs For The Latest LGBTQIA+ Laced Movie

The Walt Disney Company has slipped further down the LGBTQ rabbit hole, after a newly leaked video of an upcoming Disney show “Baymax” promotes transgenderism to children and insinuates that men can have periods.

Disney has lost many fans after they recently aligned themselves with the gay agenda in an attempt to take on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, after he signed into law that parents will not have to worry about their kindergarten age children being taught about gay issues and transgenderism in school.

The video clip was posted to Twitter by researcher Christopher Rufo, who added the caption, “EXCLUSIVE: I’ve obtained leaked video from Disney’s upcoming show ‘Baymax,’ which promotes the transgender flag and the idea that men can have periods to children as young as two years old. It’s all part of Disney’s plan to re-engineer the discourse around kids and sexuality.”

The Daily Wire reported:

“In the clip, Baymax stood in the feminine hygiene aisle of a store and stared at the shelf in front of him. After a moment, he turned to the woman next to him and asked for her recommendation for a good product. She responded first with surprise, and then immediately did her best to assist him — and a crowd of others quickly joined in with their suggestions as well.”

The clip starts out with Baymax asking a woman shopper next to him: “Excuse me. Which of these products would you recommend?”

“Oh, um — well — these are the tampons I usually use,” the woman responds, handing him a package of the hygiene product.

“Thank you,” Baymax said.

“I prefer pads,” another woman interjected. “They’re more comfortable for me.”

“Thank you,” Baymax said again.

“I always get the ones with wings,” another person — whose shirt was the colors and pattern of the transgender flag — interrupted.

A crowd began to form around Baymax, with another woman adding, “Get unscented and bleach-free if you can.”

“Yo, my daughter loves these!” said a man who reached over Baymax’s shoulder to show him another package.

“These might be easier if it’s her first period,” yet another woman said as she held a package out to Baymax, while another woman approached the group, saying enthusiastically, “These are really environmentally friendly!”

Christopher Rufo has been exposing Disney and the gay agenda that its executives have adopted and are now putting into their productions, something that is significantly affecting the media behemoth’s profit margin – including the latest offering “Lightyear” which features a lesbian kiss.

In a leaked video posted by Rufo, executive producer LaToya Raveanu says, “Our leadership over there has been so welcoming to like, my like, not-at-all secret gay agenda,” adding, “Wherever I could, I was basically adding queerness to the show, if you see anything queer in the show, ‘The Proud Family,’ nobody would stop me, and nobody was trying to stop me.”

One thing that might stop the likes of Raveanu – is the corporation that is not making money anymore. 

The only way that Disney will realize that parents and children alike, are not interested in having LGBTQ rainbows shoved down their necks – is to reject it completely and stop buying their products and the poor showing at “Lightyear,” which may come with a $100 million loss, could be the thing to do it.

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10 thoughts on “Disney Continues To Push Gay Agenda, While The Box Office Bombs For The Latest LGBTQIA+ Laced Movie”

  1. Satanism and Atheism is the Religious Force Behind Transgenderism. Women are the givers of life and are critical to humanity’s life cycle, which is why the Satanic technocracy is using transgender ideology to dehumanize and eradicate them from the cultural lexicon. How can Homosexuals, Lesbians and Tranny’s expect US True Christians, to accept them for who they are, when they can not accept the way God made them? The day that they acknowledge God, what His Word says about Creation, that a Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman, is the day I will accept them for who they claim to be! Of course, that day will never come!
    Matthew 19:4- “And He answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female”

  2. Walt Disney would be horrified at what the Disney name has come to represent. Sorry people but if you want to discuss sex and share porn with a 5 year old, that makes you a pedophile.

    1. Yes! And they should be in jail. I wonder if the NC facility for caravan kids will be human trafficking and drugs for China, The Chinese company that owns the building in NC, will probably be running the program with our tax dollars. Biden has been helping China before Obama.

  3. There is nothing about being gay, bisexual, black. white, hispanic, asian, or any such sub group to be proud of. You are what you are and most generally accepted for being yourself. If you want to stand up for pride then make it PRIDE IN BEING AN AMERICAN CITIZEN and stop all of this divisiveness!!

    1. Spot on. Thank you for your message. I wish everyone had this viewpoint. The world would be a better, happier place for all to live.

  4. This whole issue is a growing sickness, much like a cancer on our society, and must be surgically removed by any means necessary!

  5. Everyone is tired of it so AMERICA lets do something about it.. L&L AND GE RID OF THIS BS

  6. Disney has more money than they could ever spend, I hope their bullshit Wokeness bites them in their ass!

  7. The LGBTQIA+ is an abomination and God will deal with them on Judgment day. As he did with Sodam and Gomorra when he instructed his servant to leave and not look back.

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