Vladamir Putin Calls American Investors Hysterical

Russia has been a major influencer in world events recently and the official attitude of the media has been that Russia, and particularly Russian president Vladimir Putin, are dangerous actors on the world stage who should be regarded as menacing and hostile.

All the while, the Obama administration has pushed forward with the longstanding American agenda to place further pressure on Russia by placing military bases and missile installations ever nearer to Russian territory.

As Election Day nears, Russia has taken the blame from the DNC for hacking their computer network and working to reveal fraud, inciting riots, stealing and sequestering votes, the strong arm treatment used to defuse the Sanders campaign and more. The democrats and Hillary Clinton, in particular, have accused Russia and Putin of having undue influence over her rival, Donald Trump.

The Obama administration has a major beef with Russia for attacking ISIS, and with RT news for revealing video showing American forces putting on kid gloves in handling the terrorist organization. All this, while Putin himself and many other credible military sources have told us that the Obama administration, and Hillary herself, had a direct hand in the creation of ISIS.

They have even gone so far as to point out the fact that the fleet Toyota trucks ISIS has regularly been seen parading with came directly from the United States.

What’s more, because of Hillary’s numerous statements to the effect that she would initiate nuclear war with Iran should she succeed in her bid for the White House, Putin has said that Russia would be forced to prepare itself for a retaliatory nuclear strike should she win the election.

This has been translated by many American media outlets- it’s fair to say- hysterically, that this is a direct threat of nuclear war rather than a reasonable defensive stance.

Considering Hillary Clinton’s noticeably enthusiastic take on the prospect of using our nation’s nuclear arsenal and her unguarded hostility toward Russia- it seems unfair to say that Putin is the one who wants a nuclear exchange. It’s much more sensible to say that he fears Clinton would initiate World War Three at the first opportunity.

Recently, the Russophobia that seems to be running rampant through elite and media culture has manifested itself in economic concerns.

Vladimir Putin is said to have told a consortium of foreign-policy experts late last week that Russia’s perceived threat to the U.S. is nothing but a distraction that has been intentionally whipped up by American politicians as the U.S. presidential election approaches:

“It’s much easier to distract your people with so-called Russian hackers, spies, and agents. Does anyone actually believe that Russia has any influence on the American people’s choice for president in any way? Has America become a banana republic? America is a great power.” -Vladimir Putin

During his speech, the Russian president lashed out at Obama’s White House for going back on its word regarding Syria and for wrongly accusing Moscow of numerous misdeeds.

“Hysteria,” Putin claims, “has been intentionally fomented.”

A White House spokesman responded by saying that the Obama administration stands by its hacking allegations.

Putin also commented on Donald Trump, who Hillary Clinton has accused of acting on behalf of the Russian president. “Donald Trump has found a way to reach voters’ hearts,” Putin said. “His behavior is extravagant, of course, we see this, but there’s a good reason for it.”

It is interesting to note that as the election approaches, many financial speculators have said that should Trump win, the ‘isolationism’ that would result will have a stultifying effect on foreign trade. The presumption is that it is somehow unnatural and unfriendly for the United States to secure its borders and to look out for its own interests instead of kowtowing to the interests of foreign powers, as Trump points out, our leaders have been doing for years.

Critics of Trump’s ideas seem to think that the US is the only country in the world that should abolish its borders and allow migrants to come and go freely as if our country is not a country at all. What’s most astonishing is that these kinds of speculations are not coming from real economists, but are being foisted on the public by appointed commentators as sound economic thinking.

Once again media outlets such as CNN, that have openly admitted to having aided the Clinton campaign by skewing coverage, appears to be attempting to frighten voters with talk of another recession.

Putin commented only briefly on this, referring to such talk as, ‘Hysterical’.


Ethan Warrick
Wealth Authority

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