The Rigged Republic

Recent polls show Americans are increasingly distrustful of the media and more people suspect that the election is rigged. The trend toward greater skepticism of authority is rising. But why? Who does it benefit and where are they taking the rags of the republic?

“Remember,” Donald trump often reminds us, “it’s a rigged system, a rigged election.”

The stunned recoil in Washington suggests that the shock went straight to the trembling heart of the establishment. The French say, “Il n’y a que la verite qui blesse,” meaning only the truth hurts.

But in what way is the system rigged?

Consider the large media conglomerates, elite commentators and columnists, the national press, and cable networks. Not in generations has there been such widespread hostility of one presidential candidate from a major party. To which the uninitiated reply, “But, we have a free press! So what’s the problem?”

In this election, the major Media has revealed itself as an attack dog for the Clinton campaign.

On ABC, Newt Gingrich volunteered that, “without the endless one-sided assault by the news media, Trump would be leading Hillary by 15 points.”

For fifty years, the Supreme Court has systematically de-Christianized our society and infringed on our constitutional rights.

There are over 11 million illegal immigrants currently within our borders, and millions more are on their way. But the government systematically refuses to enforce the immigration laws that are already on the books.

Recently, Project Veritas released stunning video and audio proof that the DNC is illegally conspiring to incite violence at Trump rallies- and that they have been doing this for years.

Millions of Americans have seen evidence that votes have been stolen, and polls have been rigged again and again.

It’s gotten so bad that even democratic voters are in on it. There are those who are taking money to appear at Republican rallies very early in the morning to shout hateful rhetoric at the candidate- or to pose as a Trump supporter and to behave atrociously. These same groups have been proven to have organized roadblocks to cut off access to rallies- and drivers have even been assaulted in these demonstrations.

We’ve seen the tweets, enhanced with photos, from postal workers gleefully destroying the absentee ballots of people who voted for Trump by mail- and there’s been no word of an official investigation in this, what would be, a serious federal crime.

Yet, in a private speech which earned her a cool $225,000 from Brazilian bankers, Hillary Clinton revealed that she dreams of the day when a ‘common market, and open trade and open borders become a reality from Alaska, to Patagonia.’

That is treason. It would spell the end of the United States as an independent sovereign nation. But the press, whose existence depends upon the advertisement money of transnational corporations, is more concerned about old tapes of Donald’s private locker room conversations- in which- it is worth noting, he did not say he did what the press pretends to believe he did.

He was, in point of fact, expressing disgust that they would ‘let him’ because he is ‘a star.’ But reporters, who are supposed to be competent analysts of language, couldn’t be bothered to notice that he never said that he did anything, only that ‘they would let him.’

It’s another sign of the system being rigged, when the press refuses to do its job competently when it serves their ends- like a teenager who refuses to do a household chore correctly- feigning incompetence hoping to be relieved of the task by an adult who wants it done right.

At present, it seems that next year, we may wind up with government controlled by Hillary Clinton- opposed only by the weak-headed Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

Is that what voters are hoping for? Or is that what they voted against in the primaries, only to have their votes stolen?

The media power and big money of establishment elites and transnationals may prevail whether the voters like it or not. If they do, Middle America will have little choice but to accept their new masters- and accept it they will, because hard working, family oriented people will do whatever it takes to protect their children.

But it does not mean they have to like it or even respect it. Because, in the final analysis, the answer to our question is ‘yes,’ the system is substantially, deeply rigged and has been for some time.


Ethan Warrick
Wealth Authority

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