Ryancare Fails: Is this a Win for Trump?

Last week, Trump’s plan to replace Obamacare was shot down. Not surprisingly, his opponents and the mainstream media have leaped at the opportunity to call it a failure and to claim that this is proof Donald Trump won’t always get his way. Of course, if he had succeeded, they would be calling it a massive step toward Fascism- and we’re not powerfully motivated to cater to those who will never be satisfied.

But there is more to this story, and as usual the most important facts are not being discussed by the mainstream media. You might recall that Senator Paul Ryan was once a staunch opponent of the Trump campaign. He was a “Never Trumper,” that is until he became a member of the Trump administration.

But Paul Ryan has long been a known corporatist with funders connected to international banking interests. Paul Ryan is a globalist, decidedly not a populist, with a voting record to prove it. Many notable Trump supporters such as Dick Morris and Roger Stone have noted that Ryan appears to be something of a double agent, working with the Trump administration while reporting back to his Never Trump paymasters at the GOP.

This is speculation, but it is established that Trump’s cabinet is infected from within by leakers and enemies who are part of the massive establishment effort to undermine the President.

So it has been suggested that Donald Trump may have secretly wanted Ryancare to fail. After all, it can be presumed that the package was a Trojan horse of a sort. It bore a great deal of similarities to Obamacare, only repealing the mandate by calling off the IRS enforcers- not by changing the law. And the price gouging of beneficiaries was only scaled back. But if it succeeded, then it would be counted as a win for Ryan’s hand-rubbing backers. If it failed, then Trump himself could be blamed. This is not the healthcare bill that Donald Trump is looking for.

Trump wants an uncompromising healthcare bill that actually helps Americans, and does not coerce, threaten, or impose premiums higher than the average home mortgage. He wants to sign a bill that would give Americans their choice of primary care providers, access to quality care, and fair prices. And, if we know anything about Donald Trump- he probably wants it to be called Trumpcare- not Ryancare.

Some analysts are saying that Trump is playing his cards close to his chest in this round- that despite the fact that Chuck Schumer may believe that he smells blood in the water- and is going to take the opportunity to put the brakes on the appointment of Judge Gorsuch. There is reason to believe that this apparent setback for the Trump team is really just a move toward a longer game.

This is something we’ve noticed Trump’s opponents do not seem to grasp. They do not appear to have the patience to think through longer term moves than those lasting a few weeks. Trump, on the other hand, is able to think months in advance beyond the strategic ability of the democrats and the Never Trumpers.

The President reminded us in a Tweet, after the disappointment over Ryancare getting put down, that Obamacare will fall apart all by itself. When it does, he says, he will have the authority to replace it in any way he sees fit. In the meantime, Obamacare stands only because it’s established law and there’s nothing to replace it. But when it falls apart, as many are saying it will, Trump will put a law of his choosing in its place.

So, while we do have Trump’s confidence in the imminent failure of the ACA to take heart in. But is he right? Well, even staunch democrat supporters of the ACA say that it’s full of holes. Even Bernie Sanders admitted recently that the ACA is too expensive, delivers precious little actual care, and is underfunded- somehow, not that we place much faith in Sander’s understanding of economics.

In the meantime, there are millions of us hard working Americans, still struggling under the weight of Obamacare. Because we are middle class we do not qualify for financial assistance to help with the high cost of coverage.

On paper, the ACA says we are covered. But in reality, we are denied care entirely because we cannot afford to go to the doctor. This is an unsustainable model that places Americans dead last and has to be dismantled.


Ethan Warrick
Wealth Authority

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