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‘Multi-Dimensional Planned Disaster’: Insider Lays Out Dire Food Supply Collapse Scenario Prompted by CCP Virus “Vaccine” Mandate

Working families cannot understand how any administration could unleash such unprecedented damage to the economy, supply chain, as well as national security, in less than one year.

It doesn’t take a cynic to recognize Joe Biden and his handlers are crippling the U.S. by design. A food supply insider recently discovered that Biden and his cronies are one step away from deliberately starving Americans.

“We are looking at a multi-dimensional planned disaster: people losing their jobs, food processing being destroyed and risking famine, and the total decimation of rural communities who rely on these jobs to support their families. It is completely avoidable, but they want this,” a food supply insider said about the vaccine mandate. “The current situation with mandates is from multiple fronts: USDA inspectors and the factory workers. For context, USDA inspectors are federal employees that are paid for by processing plants and necessary for operation — without them, these plants cannot run due to federal law.”

The White House put the country on a collision course that would lead to massive food shortages. Joe Biden’s handlers prompted him to sign an executive order requiring 84 million workers to be vaccinated, face weekly testing, or be terminated from their jobs. An executive order requiring federal workers to take the unproven vaccine went into effect on Nov. 22, and USDA inspectors face repercussions following the Thanksgiving holiday.

Similarly, the private-sector vaccine rule — adopted by OSHA — targeted 31 million unvaccinated Americans who refuse to take the shot. Reasons for declining vaccination involve risky side effects, distrust of the federal government, freedom of choice, and a desire to develop scientifically-proven natural immunity. Employers that do not comply with the Biden Administration rules face initial fines of $13,653. However, the federal government possesses the power to level punitive fines exceeding $130,000.

The anonymous whistleblower working in the food processing industry appears to have uncovered an insidious plot. Should the vaccine mandate be fully implemented, large portions of the workforce will be lost. But the straw that will break the proverbial camel’s back involves a shortage of food processing plant inspectors.

“My family are currently in positions of plant manager and quality assurance manager in poultry plants. I can say for certain that the current situation is more dire than most people think. If upwards of 35 percent of inspectors are fired come Dec. 4, we are looking at roughly 2,200 inspectors nationwide disappearing. This will be catastrophic,” the insider stated. “If this plant, like hundreds of others across rural America, shut down, it will be the final nail in the coffin of these towns and a total collapse of the food supply.”

With this revelation in hand, everyday Americans may begin to wonder whether the White House and fake news outlets have been engaged in a shell game. Media coverage has been fixated on Los Angeles and Long Beach ports, where more than 100 cargo ships idled off the coast unable to unload. That single facet of the supply chain bottleneck emerged as the poster child for empty store shelves and inflation. But the ballyhoo about West Coast supply chain incompetence serves only as a distraction. The Biden Administration appears to be leaving nothing to chance.

Private businesses remain under fire from a White House mandate that threatens workers at all major shipping ports, food processing plants, and freight hauling operations. Truckers warned that a vaccine mandate would sideline thousands of drivers, effectively bringing every segment of the supply chain to a screeching halt. Commercial motor vehicle operators deliver more than 70 percent of all goods and products, including food.

Thanks to 27 state attorney generals, Joe Biden and his handlers were beaten in court. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld a ruling that the OSHA vaccine mandate was unconstitutional. Many anticipate the White House to file an emergency appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court in an attempt to drive a stake through the heart of the food supply.

Democrats and their minions in the establishment media will likely attempt to dismiss the insider’s boots-on-the-ground observations. That could prove difficult given the fact that wide-reaching organizations, including the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Pork Producers Council, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, and National Turkey Federation, recently sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack regarding the vaccine threat.

“We cannot emphasize enough how detrimental even minor disruptions in processing capacity and other critical USDA functions may be, as we cannot afford to exacerbate existing supply chain issues at such a fragile point in our recovery,” the joint letter reportedly states.

Should Joe Biden and his handlers manage to sideline hundreds of USDA inspectors, food processing plants across the country will go offline and American families will go hungry.

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29 thoughts on “‘Multi-Dimensional Planned Disaster’: Insider Lays Out Dire Food Supply Collapse Scenario Prompted by CCP Virus “Vaccine” Mandate”

  1. Make no mistake about it….the democratic party has been taken over by the communist party. They’re out to destroy America in every way possible. The only thing that’s preventing them from doing it is our guns. Don’t ever let them take your guns…..if you do…..its all over. Millions of us will be slaughtered by the communists. If they come for your guns…give it to them….both barrells! It’s time for the revolution!

    1. Barry are so right. Nikita Kruschev toured America in the summer of 1959, and before he left to go back to leading Russia, he addressed America on live TV from the United Nations. I was only 12 years old then, but his words were burned into my memory, and we need to remember them: “We will bury you, without firing a shot, and by using your own means to do so.” And the Communists ARE burying America, and they ARE using our own means against us. They are using our entire Education System frlm Kkndervarten to University level to turn our children into not just Socialists, but Marxist Communists that hate America because of the lies they are beinv told. Tbe teachers and Professors are brainwashing our children and indoctrinating them into Marxist Communism. The Communists infiltrated our Newspapers, Trade and Workers Unions, News Media, Financial Networks, School Boards, Department of Education, Judicial, FBI, Hollywood Actors, TV Media, Big Tech including Unions within google most recently, and youth in Antifa and BLM (Communist backed and funded), and now the New Marxist Communist Democrat Party. They all are working to Nikita Kruschev’s plan to takeover America from the inside, destroy it, and “Rebuild” it intl a Marxist Communist nation.

      1. Reading this article brings clarity that this really could be another insidious, evil step by Biden/Harris and whomever are behind them. My God, this is truly evil. Everytime Biden talks to Xi, he cones out talking about autocratic/ dictatorship is the easier way to “rule”, and goes and does more evil things to hurt America. Thank God we have other leaders willing to fight back in courts. If they shut down FDA health inspectors under cover of “Covid”, they actually shut off our food supply chain. This is way beyond our lack of Christmas presents, the NEVER before seen supply chain back up of nonperishables, the impossibility of getting chips and processors and MEDS we’ve allowed to be manufactured oversees. You shut down food process chain via inspectors, you stop the animals from going to meat plants and stop replenishing stock at farms and ranches. Stop grain and fruit, veggies processinng companies, you force the grain to be kept in the silos and then NEXT crops not to be planted. Likewise stop inspection of fruit, veggies, other consumables, you stop their planting and harvesting. Buy from other countries and disrupted shipping.. ..inflated prices from an inflation weakened population. And operate without inspectors? Can’t by Fed law, plus safety is abolished and food system can be contaminated and unusable.

        Sit and think about how all this and his previous steps all fit together and it’ll scare the heJJ out of you.

  2. What’s the most shocking is what Biden and cohort are doing in regard to the food supply! I doubt that most Americans as well as others would ever have expected to be told that food is or soon will be in short supply and will get worse!
    Why this is happening and being allowed to happen is beyond bellief! We’re talking about America, not some third world country! How is it possible for America to be short of food, when this is the most prolific country of all!
    One can only hope that this situation will be dealt with in short order!

  3. That’s why Bidens Administration is listening to Socialist people they want to turn America into a third world country so they can have total Control of us. Everything they do is going in the wrong direction which is what they want.

    1. The communist takeover of America is happening right under everyones noses and people are either lazy, ignorant or cowards.

      This is exactly why our founders ensured the Bill of Rights. The TYRANNY continues because we let it.

    1. Jody Tucker.. that’s why they created the Constitution. They never figured the Msrxist Communists would dismantle the Constitution, or that they would brainwash our children into believing the Constitution could be deemed “old and outmoded” so that the Communists could do away with it. Their main stumbling block to total takeover. The Media is silencing our warning cries of a dying Democracy, being taken over by Communism.
      In a takeover, communication and truth are the first to go..just as when Germany invaded Poland in WWII. The Radio Station was the first thing taken over to stop free speech, and broadcast propaganda by Germany. Our Media has now experienced the same thing..the sklencing of free speech, and Marxist propaganda reigns.

  4. The party in control today is doing everything to control our citizens. They hold the wealth and are working towards the great reset – one world order. Keep praying because the end is close in coming. The only way to avoid this is to re-instate our true president, Trump.

    1. It is deplorable that the food supply for Americans is being manipulated to cause a decreased food supply. STOP IT RIGHT NOW!

    2. My question is…why the hell are we listening and following orders from these evil people, they are NOT our parents, they are NOT our bosses, and they are certainly NOT our leaders! That’s what We the People are. I cannot understand why we are relinquishing our collective authority to some of the most evil elected people of our time. I don’t ask what’s wrong with them, I know what’s wrong with them, I ask what’s wrong with We the People!

  5. People, don’t worry about a food shortage, it’s just Leftist propaganda meant to get you into such a worrying frame of mind that you’ll stop thinking. Look around, food is plentiful, and easy to find wherever you look. The food I mean is called Democrats. They’re useless for anything else, so belly up to the table and eat some. Despite its bad reputation, cannibalism never directly killed anyone eating it. An immediate plus is for every meal there’s one less yapping idiot explaining how a twenty trillion dollar “infrastructure” plan will be cost free. As long as they’re not sourced from hospital wards or geriatric homes, they should be good to eat. And if no one told you the source, you’d not be able to distinguish between pork chops or Democrat short ribs. So worry about paying the mortgage or taxes, food shortages are just another trick played on you by idiot Dems.

  6. Time to excercise the 25th Amendment! I’m appalled at the Congress! They have been bought and paid for just like a lady of ill repute! We, as a whole, have pushed back hard against the vaccine mandate around the world and unless we get a strong President back in that oval office we will be doomed. I remember a Saudi Prince once stating that Americans are spoiled and don’t save enough money…aha!! This dastardly plot has been in progress as a serious venture for the past 150 years or more, but to starve us out may be the only thing they believe will work, the vaccine idea didn’t stop us, and we became more violent! There are many billionaires that are betting that they will be even richer if this plan works for them. I for one will fight them until my dying day, and it may come sooner than later. AMERICA!!!

  7. A regime from hell that we normally only watched from the US placed on other countries, now we have it here, how much longer are we all going to put up with this….?????

  8. Maybe it is time for the US Military to Protect and Defend our Country from our Enemies both Foreign and Domestic (the Liberal Democrat Communist Traitors in Washington DC who are Destroying the USA right now) because they all Took an Oath to do that.

  9. Jody Tucker.. that’s why they created the Constitution. They never figured the Msrxist Communists would dismantle the Constitution, or that they would brainwash our children into believing the Constitution could be deemed “old and outmoded” so that the Communists could do away with it. Their main stumbling block to total takeover. The Media is silencing our warning cries of a dying Democracy, being taken over by Communism.
    In a takeover, communication and truth are the first to go..just as when Germany invaded Poland in WWII. The Radio Station was the first thing taken over to stop free speech, and broadcast propaganda by Germany. Our Media has now experienced the same thing..the sklencing of free speech, and Marxist propaganda reigns.

  10. Liberals & those who voted for Brandon & any demonrat are 100% to blame along with the admin. that illegally holds office. Conservative Farmers & Ranchers should start co-ops & farmers markets & sell only to conservative families. Country folk can & will survive, with deer, duck, goose & elk meat in their freezers & home grown, home canned fruit & vegs, in the root cellar. The fruit of hard labor & toiling the soil. Something liberals cannot understand or fathom. Liberalism is a demonic cancer. demonrats are 100% responsible for the moral decay of the USA.

  11. We need to be teaching our children the Constitution and The Bill of Rights and what it means and how important it is to their ability to remain free, especially since they don’t teach the truth of it in schools anymore, we need to make it a habit to say the pledge and a prayer with our children every morning. To counteract the propaganda the pedophiles ARE teaching. There are simplified classes on those subjects online, specifically for children, and Hillsdale College teaches FREE the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for adults right online as well. If we truly care about our country, and our freedoms, this is something we can all do in the comfort of our own homes, know your God given rights and and exercise them to the fullest, let them know they have NO authority over you!!!! Because they DON’T!!!

  12. Whatever happened to the “balance of power” in our government? The biden executive branch has been working its way toward becoming a dictatorship. Where are our congressional representatives – both republicans and democrats? The biden regime is inching its way toward changing our country from a republic into a communist state and they are not receiving any opposition except for a few governors. If our representatives in D.C. do not work to stop them, we will lose our freedoms. We have to remember who is working to protect us from the biden communist regime when we vote. Any representative who endorses the acts of the current communist regime should be voted out of office.

  13. Hey America! I’ve been saying it for TWO YEARS! Welcome to the SOYLENT GREEN NEW DEAL!! ( With apologies to Harry Harrison!)

  14. Borrowing a quote the Finland article:
    “We never let our guard down after the Cold War ended, as many European Countries did,” said Janne Kuusela, director general at Finnish Ministry of Defense. “In that sense, we’re well placed to defend ourselves if need be in the future.”
    That was the US in the previous generations. I’m not so sure our children today understand they are about to be the first American Generation to be successfully duped into believing socialism is a better choice than a democracy. As such two things have to happen. First recognize who is creating the problems – then get angry and fight back to save your country by any and all means, including voting and prosecuting those who would destroy your country. Start by taking lessons from the Ukrainians and the Finnish who know all too well what is at stake…

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